What are the different stages of car remapping?
Whenever you buy a car, it comes installed with the basic software that will allow the engine to function with its bear minimum. By the time you begin to fiddle your engine control unit with your trusted automotive expert, you will notice a dramatic improvement in your car's power, fuel efficiency, responsiveness and overall performance. The increase in power will depend on your engine's capacity. If you are someone who is interested in the tuning and performance of your car, you should be aware that car remapping would mean you will have better throttle response, wider torque curve, decreased turbo lag and a more exciting car to drive with. As car remapping removes unnecessary engine restrictions, your car's performance is drastically improved even without modifying your injectors, intercoolers, or exhausts. Stage 1. This is the stage that is designed specifically for your car. If you want to get standard or moderate improvements on your engine performance without needing...