
Showing posts from December, 2022

What are the different stages of car remapping?

Whenever you buy a car, it comes installed with the basic software that will allow the engine to function with its bear minimum. By the time you begin to fiddle your engine control unit with your trusted automotive expert, you will notice a dramatic improvement in your car's power, fuel efficiency, responsiveness and overall performance. The increase in power will depend on your engine's capacity. If you are someone who is interested in the tuning and performance of your car, you should be aware that car remapping would mean you will have better throttle response, wider torque curve, decreased turbo lag and a more exciting car to drive with. As car remapping removes unnecessary engine restrictions, your car's performance is drastically improved even without modifying your injectors, intercoolers, or exhausts. Stage 1. This is the stage that is designed specifically for your car. If you want to get standard or moderate improvements on your engine performance without needing...

What is Car Remapping?

We all want to get the best out of anything. We want to wear the best clothes, eat the best food or shop at the best stores. The same is true when it comes to our car. When it comes to our car, we want to get the best model that our money can buy. We want to get more power out of it. We want better fuel efficiency. With this in mind, you might be wondering how you can harness the maximum capacity of your vehicle. One way of accomplishing this is by having your car remapped by a reliable car technician. What is car remapping ? It is a careful and methodical process of adjusting your engine control unit or ECU. In simple words, it is like fine-tuning your vehicle to improve its engine performance, power and torque. The engine control unit was first introduced in the 70s but it was only in the 90s when car remapping was made accessible for car owners and enthusiasts. A car engine is made up of numerous sensors that monitor specific engine functions like crank positions, throttle, fuel inj...


A DPF filter ( Diesel Particulate Filter ) is installed in your car to trap diesel particulate matter, also known as soot, in the exhaust system. This prevents your exhaust from polluting black fumes into the atmosphere. If there is black smoke leaving your exhaust pipe, this is an obvious indicator that your DPF filter is not working properly. Like any filter, your DPF will, over time, start to form a blockage from the waste that it holds and will need to be cleaned.  DPF filters are built in such a way that allows them to clean themselves. When a car is driven at high speeds for an extended time, the engine will heat up to a degree that the DPF filter can burn away any excess soot. This process is called passive regeneration. As diesel cars are designed for this style of driving, this solution makes sense, in theory. However, not everyone who owns a diesel car has regular opportunities to drive like this, which results in the deposits of diesel matter clogging the filter. Aside f...

Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning

Diesel vehicles can be prone to Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) issues, the filter will block up making the vehicle go into ‘limp mode’ this is where the vehicle is constrained to a maximum speed of 40 mph, you will notice an immediate loss of power, very disconcerting if you are driving at the time and the engine management lights will all come on. Until you stop and restart your engine – do not ignore this! One of the activities that can cause a blockage in the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) is ‘stop-start’ journeys with little or no motorway driving. Diesel vehicles fitted with Diesel Particle Filters for new emissions purposes, only operate and clean the particulate matter at around 70 mph in 4th or 5th gear at certain running temperatures. So when you are doing motorway miles will it clean out. If you are using cheap fuels or the wrong grade oils, e.g. not using a low ash or saps oil where recommended. This can also cause the Diesel Particle Filter to block up. It will usually r...